Aktuell ist der Update Zyklus von I-MSCP sehr gering, daher berichten wir nicht über jedes I-MSCP Update welches veröffentlicht wird, sofern keine sicherheitsrelevanten Patches durchgeführt werden. Die Entwickler sind aktuell dabei zahlreiche Änderungen an I-MSCP zu entwickeln wodurch sich der Updatezyklus für die I-MSCP Versionen stark verkürzt. Da viele Updates nur kleinere Bugfixes zum Beispiel im Installer beinhalten, berichten wir nicht über jedes I-MSCP Update. Seit unserem letzten Blogpost zur Veröffentlichung der I-MSCP Version 1.3.9 wurden folgende Änderungen durchgeführt und Bugs in I-MSCP behoben:
I-MSCP Update 1.3.12 – aktuellste Version
- Fixed: Could not write log files for the Modules::Htaccess module due to possible slash in names
- Fixed: Several encoding issues (wide characters)
- Fixed: Unless otherwise stated, config object must die when accessing a non-existent parameter (iMSCP::Config)
- Fixed: Failure when there are wide characters outputted to a filehandle for which utf8 layer is not set
- Fixed: Usage of rewrite engine for setting up FCGI handlers leads to many troubles (apache2_php_fpm server)
- Review: Remove any comment and empty lines in production configuration files (Http server impl.)
I-MSCP Update 1.3.11
- Fixed: Users cannot make new login attempts after a blocking timeout (BruteForce core plugin)
- Fixed: Waiting time between login attempts is never put off, even when expected to be (BruteForce core plugin)
- Fixed: Wrong parameter passed-in to authentication result (Authentication service class)
- Added: `IMSCP_SETUP‘ environment variable to make any sub-process aware of i-MSCP setup process
- Fixed: Installation fail on first attempt due to dpkg(1) post-invoke-tasks that are run too early
- Fixed: Blowfish secret is too short (Package::PhpMyAdmin::Installer)
- Fixed: PHP scripts are outputted without even being interpreted when the rewrite engine is disabled in .htaccess files (apache2_php_fpm server impl.)
I-MSCP Update 1.3.10
- Fixed: Bad cipher used in `imscp_common_methods.pl‘ for decrypting database password, breaking software installer
- Added: Minified version of imscp.js file
- Fixed: Could not assign/un-assign htgroup (Protected area feature)
- Fixed: When creating/editing a htuser, credentials are not written in .htpasswd file (Protected area feature)
- Fixed: When deleting htuser, credentials are not removed from the .htpasswd file (Protected area feature)
- Fixed: Wrong SQL statement leading to 400 error page (Protected area feature)
- Fixed: Do not register listeners provided by a plugin that is not yet known by the plugin manager
- Fixed: Rewrite rules put in .htaccess files are never applied in some contexts (apache2_php_fpm server impl.)
- #IP-1678 Protected area feature – Several issues with htusers/htgroups
Laut errata gibt es zwischen 1.3.9 und 1.3.12 nichts weiter zu beachten.
There will be 1.3.13 soon due to a major bug. The issues fixed in 1.3.12 are important 😉